Hälsning från Vitryssland
Dear friends Elim Church
We thank God for you, and sincerely thank you for your kind hearts, for your prayers, for your support, and for your financial help!
2020 was a very difficult year for everyone. It was also difficult for our family, but also very blessed. It was not easy because life in the pandemic period is very unpredictable. We, parents, were ill for almost a month, the children suffered the disease more easily, some had a fever for a couple of days, and some lost their sense of smell for a couple of weeks. But with God's help, we have passed this and live on. In the spring children were on self-isolation, homeschooled for 3 months.
The year was very blessed because 3 of our sons got married. On February 8, Sergei Bortnik had a wedding with Nastya. And on December 3, their son Moisei (Moses) was born.On August 29, Timofei Litvinko had a wedding with Liza.And on August 30, Nikita Kichigin had a wedding with Sarah. They live in Italy, and due to the pandemic, we could not go to their wedding. With God's help, a youth camp was organized in our village (it included some physical work). It was held from July 30 to August 2, and 55 people participated in this camp. After six months of isolation and restrictions in meetings and gatherings, the youth were very happy to get back together. Working together, worship, communication around the fire encouraged them and made closer to one another.And from 3 to 7 August, a music camp was held in the village, where there were also 50-55 people. When children praise God with musical instruments, it is very inspiring! Young brothers learned to preach, and for many it was the first experience of preaching!
In our family, children, thank God, grow up, and grow wiser. Arinochka graduated from high school this year and entered the medical college with the profession of “paramedic, obstetrician, physician assistant”. Andrei finishes 11th grade and at the moment is thinking where to continue his education, Vitya is in 9th grade and is thinking whether he should go to 10th grade or go to study a profession.Nikita and Polianna – in 8th grade, Ilya – in 4th, Ira – in 3rd. Vika lived with us for 2 years, and in November her biological parents were restored to their rights, and she went to her home. All these 2 years, her parents, to meet their daughter, came to church services, and as we have seen, they did not abuse alcohol and they took care of the child. They said they would continue to attend church in the future. Since February, the boy Kirillka has also been living in our family – he turned 6 in July. He is a very cheerful and hyperactive boy. He still goes to kindergarten, and not all teachers can cope with him. Probably, they didn't agree. He loves and obeys us. He is often ill; he has chronic bronchitis, frequent pneumonia. In the spring, he also spent a month in the hospital, now at home, suffering from chickenpox. Our older children live separately. Those who live closer come at weekends.God is merciful, glory to Him for everything!Dear friends, we need your prayers, and need wisdom from God. Please, pray that each of our children would meet the Savior and glorify Him!
We pray for you, may the Lord keep you in joy and health and answer all your needs and desires!With love, Tanya and Sergei Litvinko